Sponsorships have closed for the awards.

Preservation Connecticut is pleased to offer sponsorship opportunities for the 2021 Connecticut Preservation Awards, to take place virtually, on May 5th. 

As a sponsor, your message will reach not only the 150+ people attending the event, but also our 6,000+ email subscribers as well as thousands more via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We will include your name in the printed and digital program books, all promotional materials, and announce it during the awards presentation.

Sponsorship levels and benefits:

TUSCAN SPONSOR: $150, includes 1/4 page ad in program booklet and Basic listing in our Preservation Directory
DORIC SPONSOR: $500, includes half page ad in program booklet, Enhanced listing in our Preservation Directory and one CT Preservation Awards party box
IONIC SPONSOR: $1000, includes full page ad in program booklet, Enhanced listing in our  Preservation Directory, advertising in one “Talking About Preservation” webinar and one CT Preservation Awards party box
CORINTHIAN SPONSOR: $2500, includes 2-page ad in program booklet, Front-page listing in our Preservation Directory, advertising in two “Talking About Preservation” webinars and two CT Preservation Awards party boxes