Join us on Wednesday, February 17th when we will have Maisa Tisdale, board member and founder of the Mary and Eliza Freeman Center. The Freeman Houses are among the oldest houses built by African Americans in Connecticut (1822) and are located in the neighborhood once known as Little Liberia, a former seafaring community of free people of color. Maisa will talk about her journey to save the houses, the current status of the Center, and the future she envisions. 

BIO: Maisa Tisdale has advocated for the preservation of the Mary and Eliza Freeman Houses since 1994, and founded the Mary & Eliza Freeman Center for History and Community in 2009, after coordinating a successful movement to save the homes from demolition. Ms. Tisdale led the Freeman Center as a volunteer until 2019 when she became the Center’s first professional staff member. Over the past ten years Ms. Tisdale not only focused on the restoration of the Freeman houses, but has worked to create a safer and healthier “built” environment in Bridgeport’s South End – stressing the importance of historic preservation, community development, environmental justice, and climate change.

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